A peek into my multi-faceted, random brain...
"For I know the plans I have for you", says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for Me wholeheartedly, you will find Me." ~Jeremiah 29:11-13
Friday, January 20, 2012
Proof Pinterest can be helpful as well as addictive!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Vampire Girl chart
Z's Bodice
I know! Hilariously cute, right!? Ok, in case you were wanting to make a bodice, this will work for any age, any size. It's customizable! Yay!
Yarn: I used one strand each (held together) of Red Heart "Teal" and "Turqua"
Hook: I used an I/9 hook
First step: I took Z's measurements. For her length, I measured just underneath her armpits to the top of her hip bone. This was 12". I then added two inches to that for the cuff at the top (which is optional! It's all about what YOU want!). Then, I took her width measurement, which I also took under her armpits. I took off a couple inches from this to make sure it would fit nice and snug. Her measurement was 20", so I made the circumference of the bodice 18".
Second step: Get hooking! I made a chain to correspond with the length measurement (14" for this one). {Add an extra chain for your turning chain (for this and every row), which does not count as a stitch! Just like when you're making a blanket, this chain is purely for heighth.}
I worked this in single crochet. The bodice is worked flat, in rows, and stitched together later. I worked in rows until I reached the correct width. Do not fasten off.
Third step: Finishing up. I single-crocheted down one side, then I folded the piece in half and joined the ends by slip-stitching them together, forming a tube. I single-crocheted around the other end.
Fasten off.
Tiff added some super cute tutu's to the bottom of the bodice's I made for her girls!
Cute, huh! I hope this helped!! Let me know if you have any questions/problems/additions!
Oh, and feel free to use this pattern for whatever you like, just give me credit, please! I'd do it for you! :)
X-Men symbol chart
So my sister says to me one day, "Hey, do you think you could make me an X-Men hat?" Sure. No problem. Only, there was a problem. I could not find one single solitary X-Men symbol pattern. I decided I would just have to make my own! My sister and I used to LOVE watching the '90's cartoon series when we were growing up! So, for all my fellow comic nerds, here's the chart! Sorry it's not perfect...I'm only human, after all! :)
This is a picture of my oldest son, modeling the hat for me:
And here is the hat laying flat...That rhymed...how about that?
And here is the chart! Feel free to use this for whatever geekery you want, but try and give me a little credit, huh?
I'm sorry that it's not great quality but you should be able to save the image and print it with no problem. I'll have to try it out! Let me know if you have any questions/problems! Again, it's not perfect and I've only used it once, so far!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
It's Been A Long Time...

As far as the kids go, there really isn't much going on. They're done with their summer programs. I'm not sure how I feel about that. It was good for them to go to school if only for a couple of hours.
Dane got to go to the Children's Museum with his class, all by himself with his Momma! We had a really hard time leaving! His favorite room was the Theater/Music room! YAY!!!
The heat has been so oppressive! So we really haven't been able to go outside much! Tyson's not doing well with that! He LOVES outside and would probably live out there if I let him!
Princess Zoey turns TWO on Wednesday! I can't believe how fast the time goes! :( Especially since Jay reminded me that next year we'll be able to enroll her at Kids First Pre-school...I didn't appreciate that! We painted her dresser lavender with white drawers and I wrote Princess Zoey on the top two drawers in puffy paint. It turned out super cute! :) We ordered her a Disney Princess toy box. We bought her a Disney Princess Barbie collection. (I've had it in my closet since May!) We're trying to get her room together so her brother's stop ruining her toys and so she has her own space!
I think that's all that's going on for now! I hear a fight going on, so I better go figure out what in the world is going on before someone loses an appendage! :) Ah, the life of a Mom!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Food coloring: My Frenemy
The cookies were made, everything was put away and we had a generally good morning and early afternoon! Around 2:30 I went to bed. (I work the night shift at a hotel front desk.) I didn't go to bed when I came home that morning. I got Tyson ready for school, Jay took him to school and I stayed up so that I could spend some time with him! I woke up at about 8 to Jay hollering (that's what it was) and then I heard him running a bath for the kids. I couldn't figure out what was going on (still a little groggy) and I fell back asleep. Jay woke me up again at 9:30 so I could start getting ready for work. Before he leaves the room, he turns around and says, "Oh, by the way...you don't have any food coloring left." At first I couldn't figure out what he meant! Did he make something? Then it dawned on me. Oh no. The food coloring was in their outfits, on their dresser and on the floor. THAT'S why he was giving them a bath! Oh no. It wasn't the lighter food coloring either, it was the red and the blue. Horrid. We are NEVER getting our deposit back! We may even owe them money when we move out!
Food coloring is now going to have to go on my list. The list of "Things-I-Can't-Have-In-The-House-Anymore-Because-I-Live-With-Three-Curious-George's" list. Right up there with eggs, syrup and permanent markers. (I do have those things in the house, but I have to hide them really well!) I had to add the Disney movie Tarzan to that list too. I didn't think the closet could take much more Tarzan swinging, so I had to put the movie somewhere far away! Also...I don't think Mommy could take much more of that Tarzan yell.
My oldest made my day today though! When I was leaving for work, he walked up to me, gave me a hug and said, "You be good." I guess your kids do listen to you after all! :)
Thursday, March 4, 2010
"You know you've read a good book when you turn the last page and feel a little as if you have lost a friend."
I just look at the cover of this book and I want to read it! I've read this about 5 times and I will never get sick of it! The movie is excellent too! That doesn't happen often, where the movie is as good as the book. This is the first novel I can remember reading. I remember coming to my Mom and asking for books that I could read because I was tired of reading "Young Adult" books. :) She went through her shelf and she handed me "Gone with the Wind" and said: "How about this?" I looked at it's monstrous size, handed it back and said: "Maybe another time..." I'm sure my poor mom was going through her books wondering which books would be appropriate for her young daughter to read! (She had a lot of crime novels!) :) She finally selected this book, handed it to me and said: "What about this? I think you'd like it." SOLD! I loved it then, and I love it now. "To Tawanda!"