Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Food coloring: My Frenemy

I love to cook. I think it's fun! I like to try out new recipes and add my own things to it. My specialty is my cookies. My family LOVES my cookies! So today, in honor of St. Patrick's Day, I decided to use food coloring and make them green. They turned out awesome and the kids thought they were great! They taste the exact same, but apparently the green made them taste better... :) Dane said "Mm! That tastes good!" Dane rarely talks unless it's important, so this was the best compliment of the day! I even took a couple dozen over to my In-Laws! Which I shouldn't do to my Mother-in-law since she's diabetic...sorry! :) The best part was my Hubby helped me make them this time! We normally cook everything together, but the cookies usually are a Mommy project. I was so happy to have that time together! (With three kids in the house, it's rare!)
The cookies were made, everything was put away and we had a generally good morning and early afternoon! Around 2:30 I went to bed. (I work the night shift at a hotel front desk.) I didn't go to bed when I came home that morning. I got Tyson ready for school, Jay took him to school and I stayed up so that I could spend some time with him! I woke up at about 8 to Jay hollering (that's what it was) and then I heard him running a bath for the kids. I couldn't figure out what was going on (still a little groggy) and I fell back asleep. Jay woke me up again at 9:30 so I could start getting ready for work. Before he leaves the room, he turns around and says, "Oh, by the don't have any food coloring left." At first I couldn't figure out what he meant! Did he make something? Then it dawned on me. Oh no. The food coloring was in their outfits, on their dresser and on the floor. THAT'S why he was giving them a bath! Oh no. It wasn't the lighter food coloring either, it was the red and the blue. Horrid. We are NEVER getting our deposit back! We may even owe them money when we move out!
Food coloring is now going to have to go on my list. The list of "Things-I-Can't-Have-In-The-House-Anymore-Because-I-Live-With-Three-Curious-George's" list. Right up there with eggs, syrup and permanent markers. (I do have those things in the house, but I have to hide them really well!) I had to add the Disney movie Tarzan to that list too. I didn't think the closet could take much more Tarzan swinging, so I had to put the movie somewhere far away! Also...I don't think Mommy could take much more of that Tarzan yell.
My oldest made my day today though! When I was leaving for work, he walked up to me, gave me a hug and said, "You be good." I guess your kids do listen to you after all! :)

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