As far as the kids go, there really isn't much going on. They're done with their summer programs. I'm not sure how I feel about that. It was good for them to go to school if only for a couple of hours.
Dane got to go to the Children's Museum with his class, all by himself with his Momma! We had a really hard time leaving! His favorite room was the Theater/Music room! YAY!!!
The heat has been so oppressive! So we really haven't been able to go outside much! Tyson's not doing well with that! He LOVES outside and would probably live out there if I let him!
Princess Zoey turns TWO on Wednesday! I can't believe how fast the time goes! :( Especially since Jay reminded me that next year we'll be able to enroll her at Kids First Pre-school...I didn't appreciate that! We painted her dresser lavender with white drawers and I wrote Princess Zoey on the top two drawers in puffy paint. It turned out super cute! :) We ordered her a Disney Princess toy box. We bought her a Disney Princess Barbie collection. (I've had it in my closet since May!) We're trying to get her room together so her brother's stop ruining her toys and so she has her own space!
I think that's all that's going on for now! I hear a fight going on, so I better go figure out what in the world is going on before someone loses an appendage! :) Ah, the life of a Mom!