Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Change is good!

It's official! My Mom, Sister and Niece are moved to Lincoln. :( Well, Sad Face for me, anyway! I'm really excited for them and the new start they're getting! I called my Mom yesterday and they were looking for day cares for Marley. That made me sad! But they sounded excited and they were getting used to their "neck of the woods". We're planning a visit this weekend or next to take the kids to the Lincoln Children's Museum...and also, I miss my Mommy already! Apparently, my Grammy must be ecstatic about them being so close! She already went over there to watch the Golden Globes! Hahaha!! It may sound silly but I'm jealous of the time they're going to get to spend with her! Hopefully we can get out East soon, too! Not just for a visit but permanently! :) And f.y.i.: My Grams makes an insanely awesome beef stew! Oh. My. Goodness. I think part of what made it awesome was that I missed my Grammy fussing and clucking over me. It made me feel like a little kid again, and I loved it! :)

Other than that, there isn't much going on! I'm up to Isaiah in my Bible reading. I can't believe how quickly it's going! This whole month is flying by!

Tyson is having good reports from school every day! That's so exciting! His new favorite phrase is: "Why not!?" and if he's told no more than once, we get a crossing of the arms and a "Fine! Whatever!"

Dane is very, very sick! He came down with a fever on Sunday night and we took him in to the doctor on Monday. He has a double ear infection! The left ear is worse than the right one! I'm pretty sure it's because that's the side he sleeps on. He seems to be doing better since he started the antibiotics! He's at least off the couch today and in his room watching movies with Big Brother! :)

Zoey is blowing kisses...but she doesn't really do the whole hand thing! She just looks at you and randomly goes "Mwah"! She's pushing her sippy cup around in her baby stroller right now. Except she got the stroller on it's back and is pushing it that way....whatever works!

I'm getting really hungry, so I better get going! That and I'm slacking on my crocheting because I'm super addicted to Inuyasha right now! I'm watching it on hulu. It's in Japanese with English subtitles. I thought that would irritate me because I'm used to the English voices, but I actually prefer it this way! Although, I do think the English voice for Inuyasha fits him better! :) Well, the kitchen is calling my name and it's starting to sound impatient!


1 comment:

  1. We all miss you, too. I love the photo of all of the "girls".

    Love - Mom
