Sunday, January 10, 2010

"We Could Be Heroes!"

I've discovered an odd pattern I've been following in my life. Everything I said I wanted to be when I grew up was some kind of hero. Hm. Weird. Well, maybe it's not that weird, but when most kids wanted to be doctors and firefighters, I wanted to be Jean Grey of the X-Men. THAT is a little weird. I had convinced myself that I could someday be a Superhero Mutant with Telepathic powers. I wanted to be her:

And then my parents introduced me to the awe-smacking awesomeness that is Indiana Jones! I really wanted to be an Archeologist just like him! Then one day my dad went and burst my poor little 5th-grader dream bubble and said that real Archeologists don't really do all those things. What?! Eventually I got over it and wanted to become an Anthropologist with an endorsement in Egyptian history. A dream I still hold onto. It may not be any more realistic than being Jean Grey, but I can still hold on to it! And who knows. Someday I might finish it and see the Valley of the Kings for myself!

And then I grew up and became something entirely different! I became a Mom. I can change a diaper faster than a speeding bullet! I can lift three children with the strength of 5 grown men! I can cure boo-boo's with just a kiss! I can chase away monsters and save the world just by my very presence! I never realized it, but I did become that Superhuman Mutant with Telepathic powers. You know what I mean, that "Mom sense". The feeling that something's amiss. The feeling that either something naughty, dangerous or otherwise deserving of your attention is going on!

Last night, as my boys were preparing to go to sleep, my oldest sons says: "Momma? You sing ABC's?" I sang him the ABC's. "Momma? You sing Twinkle Star?" I sang Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. "Momma? You sing Black Sheep?" I sang Baa, Baa Black Sheep. "That was a great job, Momma!" "Thank you, Tysie!" "You're welcome, Momma." I started to leave the room when I hear: "Momma? I love you." "I love you too. Thank you!" "You're welcome." And then Dane, who only speaks when he has something important to say says "I luh you toooooo! Aaaaw!" (He says it that way b/c the first time he said "I love you" everyone said "Aw!" So now he thinks that's just part of it!)

I don't care how cheesy, cliche or magoo it may seem. I love my kids. Our little conversations may not mean much to anyone else, but they mean the world to me. Because of Tyson's Autism, I waited 4 1/2 years to hear him call me "Momma". I was told it was possible he would never speak. Now look at him! Progress every day and conversations all the time! I could not be more proud! Our faith in "The Lord of Heaven's Armies" was rewarded. (That's a new term I picked up from my Bible reading! Cool, huh?)

I have to take off because I was slacking and I missed a touchdown by the Ravens and now I can't tell my husband how they scored. Oops... And besides, I am STARVING! So I'll have to figure out something to make! I can't wait! I love cookbooks! But that could be a whole blog of it's own!

For all those who are Mothers, I salute you! "What we do in life, echoes in Eternity!"

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