Friday, January 29, 2010

My roots need doing...

I was trying to find this program I had used once before to do a Celebrity Morph kind of thing. Where you upload a picture and they match you up with what celebrities match your facial features. (Heather Graham is mine, by the way...her or Goldie Hawn...) The site I had used for this was My Heritage. I logged on and I realized that I had a whole bunch of information missing and that I could now add photos! Well, it started nagging at me and I just had to finish it. I'm not done at all but I've started and that's something! So I got to looking at the old photos that I had saved on my computer already. I love looking at old photos...I don't even care if I know the people in them...I'll still look. So I thought I'd share my favorites! :)

This is my Maternal Grandfather, Gerald Willard...which is a drawn out way of saying my Mom's Dad (Grandpa Jerry). :) Wasn't he a handsome man? He coulda been in pictures! This isn't actually my most favorite of him, but it's still pretty good! :) Of all the thing I miss, I miss his laugh the most. I noticed that he will be gone 18 years this April. That made me very sad for all the things I missed out on. I was almost 9 when he passed...
This is my Mom's Mom, Elaine Alice. My Grammy Elaine! I loves her sooo very much, it makes my heart hurt! She's not a conventional Grams in that she doesn't let me eat junk and stay up as late as I want. "Five fruits and vegetables every day!" But I like when she fusses and clucks over me and makes me eat even though I'm not hungry. "Oh, just a sandwich! I'll just make you a quick sandwich! You must be hungry, that's a long drive! Are you resting? You look tired! Maybe you should take a little nap after you eat!" I secretly love it! :) This is her Senior picture, I think. I'm going to guess that she was Class of 1953...Maybe... She was a stunning beauty and she still is! "Pure in heart and good of deed." :)

Those two pretty people pictured above, made this pretty baby! This is my Momma, Tami! She was born second to Jerry and Elaine. My Aunt Ladette was first, then Mom, then Cam, then Tad. Look at my chubby widdle Momma!! She is my fortress and my source of strength. She taught me the values of a Christian life and the importance of a personal relationship with God. My Grandma taught us that when you have a job to do, just do it. My mom carries that on and now so do her daughters. I hope it's something I pass on to Zoey. "We don't know how we do it, but Randolph women just do their job. No complaining." Thanks Mom. I don't think I say that often enough.

And then that beautiful woman got together with Yoda (my Dad) and made me! Look how cute! You doubt that my father was Yoda? Check out my ears....yeeeeaaah...Tell me about it. I then went on to marry a handsome man and we have made three absolutely horrible children together! :) Just kidding! I love The Swarm! They are beautiful and I'm excited for what their lives will turn out to be! You know what I find funny about this picture? Besides the fact that for some reason my parents had an inexplicably large straw hat? My little overalls say "Engineer" on them and I grew up to marry an Engineer! Ha! Cool.
I'm going to have to keep plugging away at my family tree! Maybe next weekend on our way to Lincoln we can take a detour to Litchfield. I have some graves there that need flowers. I haven't been there for a long time! It would be neat to see my Great-Grandparents house again! See ya next time! :)


  1. Beautiful! It made me cry a little. I miss you Ash and I love you, too.

    I said "UGH" at the photo you posted of me. Look how chubby my thighs were as a baby. I think they're still the same.

    Love & Hugs -- Mom

    P.S. I actually love that photo of my Dad and of course, love the photo of Grams, too. They were both such pretty people.

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