Monday, January 4, 2010

"I coulda been a Pink Lady"

"I coulda been a pink lady" I say to my husband in my best Marlon Brando best impression is actually a really bad one, but it's the thought that counts...We were watching Grease and I kept thinking how life seemed so simple back then! How great it would be when the worst guys out there were "greasers". The worst trouble kids got into was drag racing...I know there were worse things out there even at that time, but still! My husband soon broke into my reverie about poodle skirts and cigarette's rolled up into white t-shirts with: "Why am I watching this? There's football on?!" Oh well. There are worse things, right Rizzo?

So we get in the Tahoe today to go pick up Tyson, and Jay casually looks over at me and asks: "Did you hear me at all when I was on the phone with Matt?" Hm. He thinks he's so sneaky. I know he's either trying to hide some "surprise" from me or he has something he's bursting to tell me and he's trying for suspense. "No." I say. "What did you talk about?" He casually mentions that he got the transfer to Wyoming. Now...that's something you should probably tell me right away...He says that he is 32nd out of 40 for the Rawlins transfer and 38th out of 40 for the Green River transfer. So now we play the waiting game. My favorite. Apparently they're calling them in groups of 10, training them for 2 months and then calling the next 10. So we'll be waiting for a while, but it's better than nothing!

I am on my second day of my Bible-reading and I am so excited! I'm 80 chapters through the Bible now and I find myself excited to read the next 40! I'm reading things I'd never heard of and that's better than finding $5 in an old purse! (January 3rd's reading was Genesis 1-40, the 4th's reading was Genesis 41-Exodus 30. January 5th's reading will be Exodus 31-Numbers 3)

One short story before I go! Tyson went back to school today and he is back in his "Kung Fu Panda" phase. They told Jay that he was doing his Crane and Mantis moves. He was also meditating like Shi Fu does. At one point he was running around the classroom and one of his teachers told him to try meditating again. Without missing a beat, he says "That's not the point!" and continued about his business! I find this hysterical! Just thought I'd share!! :)
See you next time!!

(Oh, Miranda, in case you're reading this, my Mom moves in about 2 weeks. Sad day!)

1 comment:

  1. First of all. LOVE grease! My sister Bethany and I watched it so much I think we broke the tape. And that doesnt even explain the cd. that cant make it through a single song anymore. Second. The Wyoming thing doesn't mean you'll be moving there does it? If so what would that involve? Third. Kadence goes through those same kinds of fazes. And randomly quotes movies that she's seen or even sometimes puts them into one. I Love it! Fourth, and final since my comment could be as long as a blog itself. lol... How sad about your mommy. Where's she moving to?
