Today I'm thankful for getting a reminder of why I love my husband! (Yeah, I know, gag.) We usually watch the same programs every day, but the last couple of days I've decided to put a movie on in the afternoon. Yesterday was "The Quick and the Dead". Today was "Jaws". I thought my husband wasn't paying attention since he was over at the desk playing on the computer. But once Jaws' theme music started, my husband all of a sudden says: "You're gonna need a bigger boat." HA! I was getting lunch for the kids and instead of turning off the movie and putting on sports like he usually does, he sat down and we finished watching it together! Strange how after you have kids, the things that make you happy change! Maybe even seem trivial to other people. But simply being able to sit down together and watch a movie, well...that's the good life! :) And as an added bonus, every time Tyson came out to the living room he'd look at the TV and say *gasp* "Oh no! The shark's teeth!" (He said this no matter what was on the screen!) haha!
I'll leave you with another of my favorite sculptures of Michelangelo's. The Pieta. It's one thing to read about Jesus' death. It's another to have to look at it through the eyes of Mary. And now, being a mom....well...there's no way to describe it to anyone. But I think Michelangelo did a good job of getting the sorrow of a Mother right on this one...Also, there's a good story that goes with it. Apparently someone had said it was the work of another artist, so in his anger, he carved "Michelangelo Buonarroti, Florentine, made it" onto Mary's sash! He later regretted doing that and swore never to sign another work of his. One of my art teachers had been able to see this statue in person. He said you used to be able to go right up to the statue and touch it. But when he was there, they had it roped off. Someone had taken a hammer to either Mary's foot or Jesus', I can't remember which one...They suppose it was for a keepsake and not for malice, but who knows?!

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